Dental Implant

Patients that choose to move forward with the dental implant process wonder how painful the procedure will be. Dental implants look and feel natural in the mouth, and are a great restorative solution for those that have missing, cracked, or broken teeth. Our customized treatment plans work for each patient’s needs, and we work closely with our patients every step of the way.

Overall, the implant process is not painful. Many patients say that the dental implant process is less painful than having a tooth pulled. To keep patients comfortable we use local anesthesia and numb the gums around the implant area. Our team also checks to make sure each patient has enough bone present in their jaw to support their new implants. If necessary, bone grafting can be done to give patients the bone required in their jaw. This is an extra step in the process and does require additional healing.

How Is the Implant Healing Process?

The healing process for dental implants takes between 4-6 months. Antibiotics may be recommended to patients, as well as pain relievers to help with the healing process.

After Your Implant Procedure You May Have the Following

  • Minor bleeding that should subside after a day or two.
  • Minor swelling or bruising around the face and implant area.
  • Some pain or sensitivity around the implant area.

If patients notice any pain, swelling, or bleeding that does not subside, or gets progressively worse we encourage you to contact our office immediately. You will need to be seen in our office as soon as possible. During the healing process soft foods are recommended, and patients should stay away from foods or drinks that may stain your teeth.

Dental implants can last up to 25 years or a lifetime if they are cared for properly. The pain associated with the dental implant process can be kept at a minimum by following the at home care instructions. Implants are a great choice for patients seeking a beautiful smile that is permanent and will last for years.

Interested in Finding Out More?

To find out more, scheduling your implant consultation is the first step towards a beautiful smile. Our team is available to answer any questions, and our detailed consultation process allows our team to take a close look at your mouth and teeth. We will build a customized treatment plan and get you on the road to a beautiful smile.

To schedule your implant consultation contact our office, and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you!

dental implant

If you have missing, damaged, or broken teeth and are looking for the perfect restoration solution, dental implants may be the right choice for you. Dental Implants are a permanent solution and are durable and long lasting. Implants function like natural teeth, and allow patients to speak and eat normally. Implants are comfortable and do not slip or click like other restorative options.

Your bright white natural smile will be noticeable and will look natural. Implants act like an artificial tooth root and are made of titanium. Implants are placed into the jawbone and act like a screw. This provides the base for one or many crowns. Custom crowns are made to match the color and shape of your natural teeth giving patients a natural white smile.

As part of the implant consultation process we will check to make sure all patients have enough bone present in the jaw to support the new implants. If needed, bone grafting can be done to add the support that is needed. This helps to create that strong base that is required for the implants.

Once the implants are placed, an abutment or connector is set on top of the implant to hold the crown in place. Temporary crowns may be used until the permanent crowns are ready to be installed.

Benefits of Dental Implants

  • Provide patients with a natural looking smile and functions like natural teeth.
  • Provide long term value financially.
  • Implants are permanent and do not slip or click like other solutions.
  • Implants preserve the natural bone in the mouth, and this helps to stimulate new bone growth.
  • Dental implants are built to last upwards of 25 years, but can last a lifetime if they are cared for properly.

Interested in Finding Out More?

If you are interested in finding out if dental implants are right for you, we encourage you to set up your initial implant consultation in our office. This will give our team the opportunity to take a detailed look at your teeth and mouth, and discuss treatment options. We also will develop a customized treatment plan, and answer any questions or concerns you may have with the dental implant process.

Dental implants can be life changing, and can allow patients to live a normal healthy life eating and drinking as they would with natural teeth. Taking that first step is worth it to achieve that beautiful smile you have always wanted.

To schedule your implant consultation please call our office and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.

dental crown

Crowns are similar to a cap that is placed over a tooth, and are used to save and restore a damaged tooth. Crowns look natural and allow patients to use their tooth again. The color of a crown can also be matched to your natural teeth, and crowns help to make damaged teeth strong again.

When Would a Crown be Necessary?

  • To repair a cracked or damaged tooth
  • After root canal treatment
  • To help restore a misshapen or stained tooth
  • To repair an existing crown that does not fit properly

Crowns can last anywhere between 5 to 15 years depending on wear and tear. Over time if the crown faces a higher level of wear and tear, this can lead to the need for crown replacement. If you use good oral hygiene and you are careful with your crown they can last up to 25-30 years.

Tips To Help Your Crown Last Longer

  • Avoid biting down on hard objects or foods to prevent wear and tear of the crown.
  • Attend regular cleanings in our office so we can ensure all looks good and your crown remains healthy.
  • Avoid grinding or clenching your teeth. If you suffer from bruxism we may recommend a mouth guard.
  • Make sure you are brushing and flossing daily, and you pay attention to the crown area while brushing.

If you experience any pain in or around your crown, or notice any cracks or chips please contact our office immediately. We will get you in to be seen as soon as possible.

Looking To Find Out More About Crowns?

If you are interested in finding out more about crowns and how they may benefit you, schedule a consultation in our office. We provide a detailed consultation process for all of our patients, and can recommend treatment options that work for you. Your oral health is our priority, and we go above and beyond to provide the highest level of care for all of our patients.

To schedule an appointment please contact our office, and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.

Dental Crowns

A dental crown is a type of dental restoration that places a cap over a tooth or dental implant. Crowns help keep the underlying tooth from breaking apart, and can be used to help fix an area on a tooth that is broken. There are different types of crowns available to patients, and depending on the severity of the tooth will determine which type of crown is best. Crowns are typically made of hard materials such as porcelain or ceramic, but can also be made of gold, resin, or stainless steel. They can be made to match the color, size, and shape of your natural teeth and blend in nicely.

Pros of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns improve your appearance, and can help correct any cosmetic issues in the mouth. There are many benefits to dental crowns, and crowns are commonly used today.

  • Crowns are used to replace large or worn out fillings in the teeth
  • Restore dental implants
  • Restore cracked, injured, or damaged teeth
  • Correct discoloration or alignment
  • Reshape your teeth
  • Keep cracked or damaged teeth from breaking down further
  • Protect the underlying tooth after a root canal
  • Crowns are durable and last for years

Cons of Dental Crowns

With any dental procedure there are always some disadvantages patients should consider. In some cases, crowns may need to be repaired or replaced. This is not common but does happen occasionally. During a crown procedure the tooth has to be filed down to ensure the crown can be securely placed. If a crown is not fitted properly there is risk that it can fall out, or allow bacteria to enter underneath the crown. Patients may become more sensitive to hot or cold after their crown is placed. Our office typically recommends a sensitive toothpaste to help with this issue.

If patients ever have an issue with a crown we encourage them to contact our office right away. Leaving a damaged crown untreated can lead to further issues or complications. Overall, crowns are extremely helpful in preserving teeth, and give patients a beautiful natural white smile. The benefits of crowns definitely outweigh the risks.

Interested in Finding Out More?

If you are interested in finding out more about dental crowns, or if you have a damaged or discolored tooth, a dental crown may be the right solution. Our team is available to help you take the next step towards that perfect smile.

To schedule your consultation with our team contact our office, and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you!


Choosing the best cosmetic treatment for your teeth is an important decision. Both dental veneers and dental bonding can give patients that beautiful white smile. Knowing the differences can help patients make their decision and choose the best option. At Tranquility Dental Group in McKinney, TX, our team provides a comprehensive cosmetic consultation to determine what cosmetic treatment options would work best. We discuss all options available to our patients, and work with each patient to help them decide which treatment fits their needs.

What Is Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding is typically done to repair chipped, decayed, or misshapen teeth. A composite material is used that looks natural and matches your natural teeth color. Dental bonding is cost effective, and can change the shape or your tooth, close gaps, or lengthen a tooth. This procedure can help patients get that white even smile in just one day. Local anesthesia is usually not necessary and little preparation is needed.

What Are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are tooth colored shells that are bonded to the front of teeth. Veneers are made out of porcelain or composite resin material, and are made to match the shade of your natural teeth. Veneers are typically used to correct stained, uneven, or misshapen teeth. Dental veneers provide patients with a solution to help create an even white smile. Veneers are permanent and once they are applied they are not reversible. They are durable and can last between 10-15 years if they are cared for properly.

What Is the Best Choice for Me?

Both dental bonding and dental veneers give patients an even bright white smile. Choosing which option works best will be part of the evaluation process in our office. If your teeth are in good condition and your problems are minor, dental bonding is a perfect choice. Dental bonding can be done in a single appointment, and is a simple way to correct and strengthen teeth with no preparation required. Bonding is also more cost effective compared to veneers.

If a patient has more than just simple cosmetic problems with their teeth, dental veneers may be a better choice. Dental veneers have a longer lifespan compared to dental bonding, and if patients practice good oral hygiene habits veneers can last for years. Veneers do require preparation prior to applying them to your teeth compared to bonding. Veneers are durable, and do not require constant maintenance or replacement like dental bonding.

Dr. Sejal Shah and her team always help patients choose the best option. Our patients’ are our priority, and providing patients with beautiful smiles is what we do. Our goal is to give patients that bright white smile they have always wanted.

Are You Looking for a Cosmetic Dentist Near You?

If you want to find out more about dental veneers or dental bonding near you to improve the look of your smile, let Tranquility Dental Group help! We offer many cosmetic options for our patients, and provide the highest level of care using state of the art technology.

Contact our dental office in McKinney, TX today to schedule your cosmetic consultation, and take the first step towards that perfect smile. Dr. Sejal Shah’s friendly staff will be happy to assist you!

Invisalign Attacks

Orthodontic treatment is a great way to perfect the look and even feel of your smile. Many of our patients request Invisalign, which is a system that uses clear aligners to perfectly straighten your teeth. Invisalign is available for adults as well as teens, and it’s a great way to straighten your smile without the world knowing about it. The process is quick, easy and provides you with a lifetime of gorgeous, straight teeth.

All About Invisalign

Invisalign is worn for about 22 hours each day. This helps the treatment to work effectively and to provide you the results that you need and want. Treatment can be provided to kids, teens and even adults wanting initial or re-treatment. We can determine if Invisalign is right for you with a simple consultation.

All About Invisalign
All About Invisalign 1

The First Six Weeks: What to Expect

During the first six weeks of Invisalign use, you can expect some amazing changes. First, you’ll be provided with your very first set of Invisalign aligners. These aligners should be worn all day and night, and only taken out when you eat or brush your teeth. You can expect your mouth to feel sore and tender, as this is normal when the teeth begin to shift and move around. After six weeks, you’ll come back into the office for a brand new set of Invisalign aligners to be made for you. You will go through a series of aligners over the course of your treatment.

Many patients find it easier to stick to softer foods during the first six weeks because of how tender and sore their teeth feel. Over time, you can get back into the habit of eating the foods that you want. It is important that you always remove your Invisalign before eating anything, since this can prevent the aligners from coming out of place or even cracking under the pressure and force of chewing foods. Over the first six weeks, you may begin to notice a change in the way that your teeth look, and they may be less crowded or unevenly spaced than they once were.

Interested in getting Invisalign in McKinney, TX?

If you would like to learn more about Invisalign and how it works, call Tranquility Dental in McKinney, TX now to speak with one of our knowledgeable staff members. Our discount plans and low wait times make it more affordable and convenient than ever to receive the care that you need. We even have amenities available, like a full-service snack and beverage bar when visiting our office.

What Is A Crown And Why Is It Needed 1

When a tooth is either compromised or damaged, we will typically recommend that it be covered with a dental crown. Crowns are made to mimic the feel and look of a natural tooth. They can often last for years and even decades without any signs of wear or damage. They can be placed over virtually any tooth within the mouth that needs protection and restoration.

What is a Crown and Why is it Needed?

A crown is a type of dental restoration that is meant to cover a tooth that has succumb to severe decay, has a large filling in it or that has broken or cracked. Most often, a crown is placed following root canal therapy, since the tooth is more prone to breaking because of treatment. Crowns offer both cosmetic and restorative benefits. They help to fill in your smile and improve the look of compromised teeth while simultaneously improving oral functioning.

Why Are Dental Crowns Needed
How To Care For A Dental Crown

How to Care for a Dental Crown

Your dental crown should last for many years, but certain things can affect the lifespan of your restoration. The best way to care for your crown is with regular brushing, flossing and trips into the dentist for cleanings and exams. This can help us to keep tartar and plaque away from the crown, which could compromise the tooth underneath. Likewise, you will want to avoid putting excess wear on the crown that could cause it to break or crack. If you grind your teeth at night, consider wearing a mouth guard that can protect your restorations. Avoid chewing on very hard objects, such as pens and ice.

Other than a simple brushing and flossing each day, your crown doesn’t need any type of special care. You can expect it to last for many years and provide you with a beautiful smile that you will love to show off. Crowns are custom-fitted to each patient, so they are made to be comfortable and come into proper occlusion with the adjacent teeth. Because of this, there shouldn’t be any unnecessary wear from simple, everyday activities that you may do, like talking, eating and chewing.

Looking for Dental Crowns in Mckinney, TX?

If you would like to come into our office to learn more about crowns, call Tranquility Dental today to speak with one of our trained professionals! We have affordable discount plans, low wait times and many amenities, including a full-service snack and beverage bar for your convenience.