Teeth Whitening

What is Teeth Whitening?

If you have been feeling badly about the way that your teeth look, it might be time to consider professional whitening. Whitening helps to remove discoloration and deep stains from the teeth. It can improve your appearance and even help you to look younger. We offer several whitening options to make your experience better than anything you’ve tried before.

Why is Teeth Whitening needed?

Your teeth can yellow and dull for a variety of reasons. From smoking to drinking coffee and just the act of aging, teeth may not be as white as you’d like them to be. If you’ve been struggling to feel confident in your smile, it is time for you to consider whitening. Whitening is great for patients who are going to be attending weddings and other big events and would like to look their best.

What Is Teeth Whitening
Why Is Teeth Whitening Needed

Who is a candidate for professional Teeth Whitening?

Most patients can safely undergo whitening in our office. Professional whitening does not change or lighten the restorations you may currently have. These include veneers, crowns, bridges, bonding and dentures. If you want to whiten your natural teeth, these whitening options are great for you. The goal is to provide you with a full and healthy smile you can feel proud to show off.

What happens during the Teeth Whitening process?

The whitening process begins with a consultation so that we can get to know you. We will then offer our in-office whitening. This involves applying a gel to the teeth with a light to accelerate results. In just an hour, you’ll be leaving the office with a smile that is up to 10 to 14 shades whiter. For our take-home whitening, we take impressions of your teeth to make custom whitening trays. These trays are used with a patented whitening gel for effective results you can achieve from your home.

If you would like to come into our office for a whitening consultation, call us today to schedule an appointment. We offer low wait times, an in-office discount plan as well as amenities, like a snack and beverage bar.